ðŸ‘Ļ‍ðŸŦOur Team

Meet The Stoneheads

The Stoneheads Team is a group of 3 friends who like to smoke weed, hustle & trade NFTs. We all have various experiences in the web2 space, but OG Stoneheads is our first project on web3.

We came to the idea of making this project in January. Since then we have carefully studied a lot of projects in the Solana ecosystem. We were particularly intrigued by DeGods & The Stoned Ape Crew. We have been carefully studying the space, learning a lot of new things in the process. What we found out is that projects who give value from the start, and continue adding on to it every step of the way tend to make it.

OG Dre- is a chill dude with previous experience in e-commerce, copywriting & Project planning. The visionary of the team.

Yung Breezy- Works as a Full-Stack Developer in a big marketing agency. He's also a very talented artist and has turned our Stonehead vision into fruition. He also has experience doing marketing campaigns for big IRL companies.

OG Biggie- Our Community Manager. Has previous experience in graphics design & video editing. He used to be a Professional boxer, making him a perfect Mentality Freak for our Team

Our Tokenomics Advisor for the project will be Riddler, the guy who works for Sea Shanties & Hydra Launchpad.

Last updated